How to manage storage facilities in Dubai effectively? This article will cover everything from choosing the right self-storage contractor to knowing your competitors. Listed below are some of the best tips:

Disassemble large furniture before storing it in a self-storage unit:

When storing large furniture, disassembling it before placing it in a self-storage unit is important. This will make it easier to transport and stack it in the unit. Carefully disassemble the furniture, avoiding damage. Before you pack and move the furniture, please take pictures of it at each stage of the disassembly process. Label all of the small pieces and keep the hardware with the furniture.

Disassembling large pieces of furniture before placing them in a storage unit will help you save a lot of space, reduce the possibility of breakage, and make moving easier. It will also help you store the items in the storage unit more efficiently.

You are identifying items you’ll frequently be accessing in your storage unit:

Before you begin packing, identify the items you will be using most often. You can begin by prioritizing which items should go in the front of your storage unit. You can stack these items according to how often you will access them. Heavy or fragile items should be placed near the front, while smaller or less-used items should be stored further back. Please list all the items you’ll be using in your storage unit and label each with its identification number.

Choosing a storage contractor:

Choosing a contractor with several years of experience is vital, particularly if you’re new to the self-storage industry. These professionals should be licensed, bonded, and insured. A good construction project manager will have worked on several self-storage projects and be familiar with the local community and city officials. They should also have a history of fair pricing and contract terms.

Break-even occupancy for a self-storage facility:

A self-storage facility doesn’t make money until it achieves break-even occupancy. The break-even occupancy rate for a self-storage facility is typically 60 percent to 72 percent. The higher the break-even rate, the more stable a self-storage facility’s rental rate is. This means that a facility with a high break-even occupancy rate is likely to be more stable and will hold its value better during recessions and economic distress.